The Hoboken Nine Club is accepting tax deductible donations to cover costs associated with running a traveling vintage base ball club.  The majority of costs is to cover new uniforms for new players ($250.00 each), gas in our cars to travel to away matches, lodging for trips and equipment such as 19th century bats ($100.00+ each) and balls ($20.00 each).  Your donation to the club is considered a donation to the Hoboken Historical Museum.  Please include your mailing address and email address with every donation.  You will be added to the Hoboken Nine Email newsletter and a receipt and tax information will be mailed to you from the Museum.


SHOP for officially branded items.   Donation amount included in the price of each item.   Use "donations" tab to send money for purchased items.  Include in the description the item you are purchasing, quantity, and ship to.

T-SHIRTS - $25.00

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

11th & Washington St.

Elysian Fields 1800's

11th & Washington St

1866 Elysian Fields/NYC

New York Knickerbockers on Elysian Fields 1800's

Maxwell House/Elysian Fields Marker at 11th & Hudson St.

Elysian Fields 1800's

11th & Washington St

Pleasure Railways-Elysian Fields, 1800's
Pleasure Railways-Elysian Fields, 1800's