On this page you will find all you need to know about your visit to Historic Hoboken, New Jersey. Scroll down and you will find information concerning lodging, entertainment, location of historical sites, and field locations for matches.
The city of Hoboken has one hotel. The W Hotel Worldwide has spectacular New York City skyline views. Nearby Jersey City, which is connected to Hoboken by path trains (subway), has many affordable hotels. Click here for Jersey City hotels.
Hoboken has over 100 liquor licenses in a city that is barely over a mile square. Click here to see what the Bars are up to.
The Baseball Monument noting the first baseball match played on Elysian Fields in 6/1846 is on 11th and Washington Street. Across from the famous Maxwells bar. The intersection of 11th and Washington street has painted cobblestones to show a baseball diamond.